About the Characters


Diana Fletcher
17 years old
She is the daughter of Arthur Flecther, owner of Fletcher Industries. She is a very determined person when it comes to anything. Whether it is school or trying to solve her father’s murder, Diana is always determined to try and solve anything in her way.


Dave Warner
22 years old
Within Fletcher Industries, he was always Arthur’s right-hand man. Meaning that whatever Arthur strived for, he would always reach his goal. Similarly enough, when things don’t go Warner’s way, he follows his mentor and strives for his goals, no matter what it takes.


Arthur Fletcher
45 years old
The owner of Fletcher Industries. He was always kind and caring for his children and only wanted the best for them. However, when it came to his company he would do anything in his power to save it; even if that means risking his own life so that his children could have a better one.


Daniel Basson
17 years old
Diana’s best friend. At times could be envious of her life; she always gets greater opportunities than him. However, when her father died he came to realize that he needs to be there for his friend and care for her. He also realized that she doesn’t have “everything” and he needs to be more charismatic towards his friend versus always shutting her down.


Matthew Fletcher
20 years old
Very close to Diana. No matter what the case may be he would always try to protect her. He never cared about the company causing tension between him and his father. After his father’s death, he did everything in his power to be Diana’s guardian. In certain circumstances, he will hide secrets from her in order to keep her safe.


Augustus Waterson
65 years old
The loyal butler of the family. Has been part of the Fletcher empire to see both Arthur, Diana, and Matthew grow up. Even though he doesn’t show it, he cares for the children as his own. He always has an eye for something that occurs and tries to resolve problems under the table. He would do anything for the Fletcher family; even possibly murder.


Sourced: Wednesday, March 28th, 2018.
Sourced: Wednesday, March 28th, 2018. https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/498984833706658007/?lp=true
Sourced: Monday, April 16th, 2018.
Sourced: Monday, April 16th, 2018.
Sourced: Monday, April 16th, 2018.

Sourced: Monday, April 16th, 2018.

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